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Route Article

Universal’s Community Giving

Universal's Community Giving - Route Newsletter: December 2023

Our corporate wide adherence to family values includes a great commitment to giving back to the community that peaks during the holiday season. “We always try to best the previous year’s results and this year was no different as our employees at every level and every location stepped up like never before,” said Company President, Michael Glionna.

Most significant this year is the fantastic amount of funds raised for Hockey Helps the Homeless (HHTH), a Canadian charity that organizes and runs fantasy hockey tournaments across the country, and raises money to help fund the work of over 40 homeless support agencies. The funds raised by Universal benefit 360Kids ( and Blue Door Shelters (, two local organizations committed to ending homelessness.

In October and November, six employee teams at Universal rallied together to raise an incredible $36,161, only slightly behind last year’s total! Together with the company’s funds matching program and serving as participant gift sponsor for HHTH’s York Region tournament, a total contribution exceeding $72,000 was made by the Universal group.

Even more giving took place in December as our employees enthusiastically donated to two other charities we support annually: the Vaughan Food Bank and the Toy Mountain gift drive. “It is a great feeling knowing that the multitude of food and gifts contributed by our employees will bring joy this holiday season to those who are less fortunate,” said Mark Glionna, Vice President – Client Relations & Business Development.

Quick Tip #36
Report Lost and Damaged Cargo to your Forwarder, Carrier and Insurer as soon as possible

Any loss or damage to cargo should be reported immediately to the company or the company’s nearest settling agent.

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