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eManifest – Mandatory Timeframes and Policies


As per eManifest requirements, freight forwarders must electronically transmit pre-arrival house bill data on consolidated freight to the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA).  The CBSA must receive and validate data within the timeframes specified by mode, as outlined below.  It is imperative that these timeframes are adhered to and that the data submitted is accurate.  Failure to do so could result in monetary penalties issued by the CBSA for non-compliance.

Transmittal Timeframe by Mode of Transport:

  • Air– 4 hours prior to arrival into Canada
  • Highway – 1 hour prior to arrival at border
  • Marine – 24 hours prior to loading on board the vessel at origin (containerized cargo)
  • Rail – 2 hours prior to arrival at border

 Based on CBSA guidelines, the zero-rated penalty period granted to freight forwarders under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) for electronic house bills ended January 30, 2022 and, as such, the CBSA has commenced issuing monetary penalties for non-compliance.

There are five related penalties that may be applied to freight forwarders:

  • C378 – Person failed to submit the prescribed pre-load/pre-arrival information relating to their cargo and/or conveyance (Level 1 $2,000, Level 2 $4,000, Level 3 $8,000)
  • C379 – Person failed to submit advance information in the prescribed time or prescribed manner to the Agency (Level 1 $250, Level 2 $375, Level 3 $750)
  • C380 – Person failed to comply with a notification issued by the CBSA regarding the goods on board or expected to be on board the conveyance (Level 1 $2,000, Level 2 $4,000, Level 3 $8,000)
  • C381 – Person failed to notify the Agency within prescribed time frames and without delay of any correction to any pre-arrival or pre-load information sent to the CBSA (Level 1 $500, Level 2 $750, Level 3 $1,500)
  • C382 – Person submitted information prescribed by the Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations that was not true, accurate and complete (Level 1 $500, Level 2 $750, Level 3 $1,500)

For more information and guidance, please review the CBSA Detailed Commodity Descriptions document.

For more information, contact David Lychek, Director – Ocean & Air Services.

Quick Tip #13
Money-saving container shipping tip

When time permits, shipping a single 40′ container is always more economical than shipping two 20′ containers.

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