October 17th marks the start of Transport Canada’s changes to the Air Cargo Security Program (ACS). There are 2 designations in the ACS Program in which participants can enrol – “Account Consignor” or “Known Consignor”.
Under the Air Cargo Security Program, existing registered shippers with updated Air Cargo Security (ACS) profiles will automatically receive the new Account Consignor status. Air freight originated by Account Consignors will be fully screened by the airline before loading onto aircraft as of October 17th, with applicable screening charges applied. Also note, if you require an airline to screen cargo on your behalf, you may face much earlier cut-off times and possible delays.
Shippers have the additional option to apply for the new Known Consignor category. Cargo originating from Known Consignor’s will be treated as secure as long as the secure chain of custody is maintained.
If you are not registered as either Known Consignor or Account Consignor, please contact Transport Canada immediately. The links to Transport Canada’s presentation of the new Air Cargo Security Program and the Air Cargo Security Fact Sheet are below:
Transport Canada Presentation: http://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/saf-sec-sur/2/sscimsa-sgicasa/regmod/regpres.aspx
Air Cargo Security Fact Sheet: Air Cargo Fact Sheet
For more information, please call David Lychek, Manager – Ocean & Air Services at (905) 882-4880.