Expansion of Panama Canal opens new shipping options
Container ships that traditionally unload at major U.S. west coast ports such as Los Angeles and Long Beach could soon be headed for ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coast. This is due to the recently completed expansion of the Panama Canal, which will allow bigger ships to bypass the more crowded and expensive West Coast ports in favour of ports that are less congested and offer shorter land routes to the U.S. east coast.
Previously, the waterway could only accommodate ships carrying about 5,000 containers. Now, ships holding as many as 14,000 containers can use the canal. The expansion of the waterway was completed in April at a total cost of $5.25 billion.
For more information, contact David Lychek, Manager – Ocean & Air Services.
Universal Logistics honoured at annual meeting
of Certified Transportation Network
Group photo of attendees at the recent Certified Transportation Network annual meeting
Our successful participation in the Certified Transportation Network (CTN) was recognized at the recent annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia, where we were honoured for ranking #1 in volume growth and#2 in contributions to the Network.
CTN is a worldwide group of logistics providers, formed to help the member partners deliver high level services for businesses involved in global trade. Universal Logistics is the only representative from Canada.
Two company executives, Mark Glionna, Vice President – Client Relations, and Paul Glionna, Vice President – Operations, accepted the awards. "This success shows we are growing globally and as a result have more to offer our valued clients," saidMark.
The conference was also the perfect forum for face-to-face meetings with our global partners. "Overall, we met with 27 companies from 23 different countries," said Paul.
For more information, contact Paul Glionna, Vice President – Operations.
Shipping products subject to Anti-Dumping Duty
Ensure import transactions subject to an Anti-Dumping Duty are coded properly by advising your customs broker in advance of these shipments.
This reminder applies to anything subject to an additional duty, ranging from 3% to 240%, because Canada Customs considers it a dumped or subsidized product that will hurt domestic production in Canada and the USA.
Click on the corresponding flag to see what products are subject to Anti-Dumping Duty in Canada and theUSA:
For more information, contact Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services.
U.S. import documentation for plants and plant products
Under new U.S. plant protection regulations, import documentation for certain plants and plant products must include a Plant and Plant Product Declaration Form. Completion of the form, required under the U.S. Lacey Act, provides the 19 data elements which must be filed with U.S. Customs prior to entry of the goods into the U.S..
For more information, contact Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services.
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) implementation
May 28 is the next key date for the roll-out of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP). That is when ACE is mandatory for:
- certain entry types (01, 03, 11, 23, 51, 52 without PGAdata)
- entries and entry summaries for entry type 06
"We are keeping pace with the changes and are available to answer any questions about the basics of ACE with our clients," says Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services.
SOLAS Requirements – Get ready for container weight verification
Effective July 1, shippers worldwide must provide documentation that indicates the verified gross mass (VGM) of a loaded ocean container (total weight of the container and contents).This is a new requirement of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Two methods can be used to determine VGM:
Method 1: After packing/sealing a container and using calibrated/certified equipment, the shipper may weigh, or arrange to have a third party weigh the packed container.
Method 2: The shipper may weigh the contents (including cargo, dunnage & bracing material) and then add this weight to the tare weight of the container. The tare weight of each container is clearly marked on the container CSC plate located on the door panel.
If a packed container is found to have an incorrectly declared VGM, Transport Canada will detain the container on site and liaise with the shipper for appropriate, corrective action. This may result in missed sailings and/or extra handling fees. If there is a safety issue, monetary penalties, ranging from $600 – $12,000, could also apply.
For compliance and enforcement purposes, a 5% variation in VGM of a loaded container will be accepted, up to a maximum of 500 kg, without penalty.
Similar measures will come into effect at ports throughout the world in countries that choose to adopt these new provisions.
Transport Canada has announced the release of its Ship Safety Bulletin RDIMS No.: 11733860.
To help shippers comply with these new requirements, Transport Canada, Marine Safety and Security (TCMSS), in consultation with Measurement Canada, various stakeholder’s groups and associations, has developed and published the final version of the Canadian Procedure for Obtaining the Verified Gross Mass of Packed Containers as Required by Solas VI/2 (TP 15330E).
For more information, contact David Lychek, Manager – Ocean & Air Services.
This mystery U.S. city is located next
to a large body of water.
What U.S. city is the starting point for "Route 66"?
See if you can name the mystery U.S. city that has the following trade stats, achievements and notable
- This city’s main airport is the busiest air hub in the world; there is also a secondary airport.
- The world’s first skyscraper, nine stories high, was built in this city in 1885.
- This city has the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at 110 stories high.
- This city’s convention centre offers the largest exhibition space in North America with 2.2 million square feet.
- This city is known for being "second" to New York, but it is actually the third largest city in theU.S..
Click here to see the answer
For more information about freight to/from this city, contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions.
When airfreight is faster and cheaper
Ocean freight is not always the cheapest option, especially when smaller shipments attract minimum charges that add up quickly.
The usual break-even point is 75 kilograms. Remember to consider all costs when comparing ocean and airfreight options – or give the job to our Freight Solutions Team. "We are here to help," says Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions.
Rachel Ng –
Freight Solutions |
At Your Service: Rachel Ng – Freight Solutions
When Rachel Ng joined Universal Logistics in September 2012, our Freight Solutions team gained a key member who could meet the growing need to do business in Cantonese and Mandarin.
Rachel’s specific responsibilities include coordinating bookings between our overseas agents and suppliers and PO Management for key accounts, important aspects of the complete freight package offered by our company. Rachel has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto.
Rachel can be reached by phone (905) 882-4880 or by email. |