Discover the many benefits of cross trading
Did you know you can save time and money by having freight shipped directly from any point of origin to the customer’s location? The advantage of this approach, called cross trading, is that the usual middle step (shipment to your location) is skipped.
For example, assume the point of origin is in China, your warehouse is in Toronto, and your customer is in Chicago. With cross trading, the freight would go directly from China to Chicago, leading to savings in terms of transit time and freight costs.
Contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions at (905) 882-4880 or by email to learn about our complete package of solutions, including how you can benefit by taking control of your freight. We can also talk to you about competitive pricing, securing bookings, documentation handling, tracking facilities and pre/on carriage arrangements.
Making the rounds at international book fairs
Our attendance at the major international fairs is as predictable as the arrival of spring. This year we are starting out at the London Book Fair, where we will be represented by Chris Barnard, Vice President – Projects and Market Development and Andrew Doick, Business Development – International.
Universal Logistics is the leading supplier of customs brokerage and freight forwarding for the Canadian publishing industry, with over 100 book industry clients and a proven track record stretching back to 1949. In addition, for over 20 years we have been the Book and Periodical Council’s recommended customs broker and international freight forwarder.
Universal Logistics is also a founding member (and the sole Canadian representative) of BookFreight, a worldwide network of freight forwarders specializing in the book trade. The other members are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Poland, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and United States.
For more information, contact Chris Barnard, Vice President – Projects & Market Development.
Expanding our partner network in the U.S.
The Annual General Meeting of thePremier Cargo Alliance, held March 2–4 in Las Vegas, was the place to be for international logistics providers – and we were in the center of the action.
Chris Barnard, Vice President – Projects & Market Development and Lisa Fertita – General Manager, Freight Services Universal Logistics USA, had no fewer than 25 one-on-one meetings with some of the most important players in the global trade sector. The goal was to establish new relationships that will allow our Buffalo office to build on its existing successes with global clients.
For more information, contact Chris Barnard, Vice President – Projects & Market Development.
Grace period for undeclared exports
Exporters still have time to voluntarily disclose undeclared exports that passed through the U.S., but were destined for Mexico or another country. Disclosure is required if the exported goods have a value of $2,000 CAD or more.
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) have advised a large number of companies had not properly reported these exports and have provided a 6-month grace period (December 1, 2015 to June 1, 2016) to voluntarily disclose the unreported exports without penalty. After the grace period expires, compliance verifications will be conducted by the CBSA and penalties may be issued for failure to report the exported goods.
If you need help with a Voluntary Disclosure of Unreported Goods, call us at (905) 882-4880 and ask to speak with Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services.
In this mystery country,
potbelly pigs are kept as pets.
What country uses snake wine to cure almost any illness?
The snake wine is called Ruou ran. It’s appropriate to call it a snake wine because it contains a pickled snake! See if you can name this mystery country after reading the following clues:
- World’s largest exporter of cashews
- Major exporter of rice and coffee
- Bilateral trade between this country and Canada reached an all-time high in 2014 ($3.3 billion)
- One of Canada’s most important trading partners in Southeast Asia
- Positive economic conditions and proximity to major trade lanes make this country an ideal location for multinational companies with global supply chains
Click here to see the answer
For more information about freight to/from this country, contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions.
Insurance primer
Protect your business interests by ensuring you understand what is covered by your cargo insurance policy – and what is not. Without proper insurance, even one loss can have a huge impact on your bottom line.
You can choose from three basic levels of coverage:
- Institute Clause A (widest insurance coverage & highest premium);
- B (more restrictive coverage & moderate premium); and
- C (most restrictive coverage & lowest premium)
Be sure to review the coverage in place for your shipments and ensure it is adequate for yourneeds.
Louis Valencourt –
Customs Operations, Fort Erie |
At Your Service: Louis Valencourt – Customs Operations, Fort Erie
As a member of our Customs Operations team, Louis Valencourt handles the customs release of cargo moving across the Fort Erie border.
He has been on the job since June 1978 and distinguishes himself by always focusing on what is in the best interest of the client.
Louis can be reached by phone (905) 871-0220 or by email.