Getting the inside story on key CSCB developments
If there is a key Canadian Society of Customs Brokers (CSCB) meeting anywhere in Canada, one thing is certain: the attendees will include senior executives from Universal Logistics.
This year’s CSCB Toronto/Ontario Region Annual Conference, held at Casino Rama in Orillia, Ontario was attended by Mark Glionna, Vice President – Client Relations, Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services and Chris Cartan, Manager – Customs Operations. “This is how we stay up-to-date on any CSCB developments that could impact our clients,” said Mr. Glionna. “You learn a lot from not only the formal presentations, but also the informal gatherings.”
The agenda included presentations on Advance Rulings, Risk Management, ARL Offsets and Payments and E-Manifest. Other events included the presentation of CBSA Stars to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) employees who demonstrated outstanding cooperation and professionalism. One of the recipients was Kimberly Batten, Supervisor GTA Region Operations Branch, who was nominated by Chris Cartan and honoured for the support she provided to Universal Logistics. Achieving this recognition is considered a very high honour because the nomination has to come from someone in the private sector who has direct work experience with the nominee.
For more information, contact Mark Glionna, Vice President – Client Relations.
Canada and European Union move closer to free trade
A major new trade deal between Canada and the European Union (EU) could be signed this fall. Called the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the agreement would benefit each trading partner by:
- creating a “level playing field” for Canadian and EU businesses
- eliminating many Customs duties
- allowing “conformity assessment”, which means each trading partner will accept product testing done by the other partner
CETA also contains provisions to:
- protect labour rights and the environment
- make resolution of trade disputes fairer and more transparent
Ratification is expected at the next Canada – EU summit, which will take place in October.
For more information, contact Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services.
Cargo weight verification now mandatory
Effective July 1, 2016, steamship lines will only accept containers that have received the Verified Gross Mass (VGM) in compliance with the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) regulations adopted by Transport Canada.
VGM must include the weight of cargo, all packaging, dunnage, bracing, plus the tare weight of the container. The cost of VGM is usually (but not always) divided between the shipper and the consignee, based on Incoterms. It is important to clarify the fee arrangement before arranging any shipments.
Please contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions if you need help to determine the VGM of your next export shipment.
Duty savings on tech and information related products
Tariff rate reductions are being phased in for tech and information related products, including audiovisual products and parts, vacuum parts, flight simulators, telecommunication products, software, media-storage devices, medical devices, touch-screen devices and medical equipment.
The phase-in period, which began July 1, 2016, will continue until July 1, 2018.
For more information, contact Brian Rowe, General Manager – Customs Consulting Services.
No country makes more of the unique product harvested from this tree (and no one is more thankful than wine drinkers). |
What relatively small European country once controlled a global trade empire?
In the 15th and 16th centuries, this tiny country established the world’s first global empire, which included Africa, Brazil and Asia. That’s why nine countries, with a total population of 236 million people, speak this country’s language.
See if you can name it after looking over the following clues:
- This country’s most important current trading partner is Spain.
- The national soccer team won EURO 2016, one of the world’s biggest sporting competitions.
- The oldest country in Europe, with borders that have not changed since 1139.
- World’s 8th largest producer of wine, 5th largest producer of tungsten and largest producer of cork.
- Archaeological finds have established that the capital city of this country is older than Rome.
- The coastline offers some of the best surfing in the world.
Click here to see the answer
For more information about freight to/from this country, contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions.
What you need to know about transshipments
A “transshipment” occurs each time your freight is moved from one container to another, or from one vessel to another during the shipment’s journey.
For example, your ocean freight from South Africa may be transshipped via Rotterdam; your air freight from Hong Kong via Chicago; your truck freight to Texas via Nashville, Tennessee.
Transshipping freight is not necessarily a problem, nor is it always avoidable, but there are risks you should be aware of:
- The more transshipments, the longer the transit time.
- Each transshipment requires your freight to be physically unloaded and reloaded into the next conveyance. More handling means more risk of loss, damage, theft or pilferage.
- For every transshipment point, there is a cut-off date which must be met. Failing to meet this deadline can result in substantial delays in the transit time.
At Your Service: Ankita Bhavsar, Team Leader – Accounting Operations
Ankita Bhavsar, Team Leader – Accounting Operations
After joining Universal Logistics in 2011 as a member of the Accounting Team, Ankita was promoted to the position of Team Leader – Accounting Operations in2014.
Ankita’s responsibilities include managing the teams that handle Accounts Payable and Billing. Her professional qualifications include the CGA, CPA certification, which she achieved in November2015.
Ankita can be reached by phone (905) 882-4880, ext.234 or by email. |