Going to the 2018 London Book Fair?
It’s that time of year again when key Universal executives hit the road to attend major trade shows that are of importance to our valued clients.
First stop is the 2018 London Book Fair, which will be held April 10-12 in London, England. Universal will be represented by Chris Barnard, Vice President – Projects & Market Development and Andrew Doick, Business Development – International.
London Book Fair |
Contact Chris or Andrew by email if you would like to arrange a meeting at the Universal booth (6B109E), which we are sharing this year with our long-term UK partner, World TransportAgency.
"As always, we look forward to meeting with our client and business partners, who are always the best source on what is happening in the book publishing industry," said Mr. Barnard.
Oversight of Canada Border Services Agency
by federal report
A watchdog should be created to investigate complaints about the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), says a federally commissioned report. The new body would review everything from shippers’ complaints about Customs decisions to the treatment of immigrants. It would also assume the responsibilities of the existing civilian review and complaints commission for the RCMP.
CBSA complaints are currently handled by an internal review and other government bodies, including the Courts. Critics say arms-length monitoring by an independent body is needed.
The CBSA manages the flow of about 100 million travellers and 16 million commercial shipments annually. It gets about 2400 complaints, based on the latest available data (2015).
For more information, contact Brian Rowe, Director – Customs Compliance & Regulatory Affairs.
Ocean Alliance expanding operations
The launching of several ultra-large container ships in early 2018 by Ocean Alliance Lines will allow the container ship operator to introduce new products and services later this year. Ocean Alliance is one of three global alliances that now dominate east-west container trades. Its member companies include CMA, CGM, Cosco Shipping, Evergreen and OOCL.
Industry reports indicate Ocean Alliance’s offerings in 2018 will include 340 boxships, with a total capacity of 3.6 million TEU on 41 services, plus expanded coverage of the U.S. east coast.
The other two global alliances, 2M and THE Alliance, are also expanding. Overall, 108 ultra-large container ships will come into service this year with a total capacity in excess of 14,000 TEU.
For more information, contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions.
Rising demand at two Canadian ports
Faced with rising demand and significant competition from U.S. ports, the Port of Montreal is investing $750 million to build a new container terminal on Montreal’s South Shore. The expansion will increase the port’s capacity to 3.5 million TEUs (20-foot units), a 60 percent increase versus the current capacity of 2.1 million.
Demand is also up at the Port of Halifax, which moved a record 559,442 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) in 2017, a 16% increase versus 2016. Karen Oldfield, President and CEO, Halifax Port Authority, said the growth was made possible by the hard work of port partners, terminal operators, oceans carriers, rail providers, marine pilots and tug operators.
For more information, contact David Lychek, Manager – Ocean & Air Services.
China #1 for exports
Just two decades ago, China was far behind the leading exporters of goods worldwide. Today, it is the world’s top exporter, surpassing the United States as the largest supplier of products to every corner of theglobe.
Based on the latest available data, which covers the year 2016, China exported goods worth $2.06 trillion, nearly 10 times what it exported in 1996. The U.S. was well behind at $1.42 trillion, while the European Union, with 28 member countries, exported slightly more than China ($2.26 trillion). However, the U.S. continues to be number one for exports of high-end goods, such as satellites andaircrafts.
China is investing heavily in infrastructure to facilitate trade, with the key focus being the construction of new trade routes, called "silk roads", that stretch across continents.
For more information, contact David Lychek, Manager – Ocean & Air Services.
The distinctive skyline includes buildings incorporating dramatic cube designs. |
How many clues do you need to name the city
with Europe’s largest port?
- Known as the “City of Architecture” because there are many buildings featuring unusual designs, including homes built in the shape of slanted cubes, a design developed to meet a zoning requirement.
- The residents include inhabitants from over 160 different nationalities.
- Protected against flooding by a mobile barrier twice the size of the EiffelTower.
- The presence of numerous rivers and canals allows visitors to tour the city by watertaxi.
- The 40-kilometre wide port stretches out to the North Sea.
- Bombing during the Second World War destroyed much of the city
Click here to see the answer
Answer: Rotterdam, Netherlands
For more information about shipping freight to or from this city, contact Debbie McGuire, Manager – Freight Solutions.
When taking control of your shipment is good business
Selecting the right Incoterm will allow you to get the most from your contract of sale during negotiations. Many factors influence the Incoterm selection, but your own commercial practices, type of goods and country of export will dictate whether:
- The seller should refrain from undertaking additional obligation.
- The seller is prepared to do more than to make the goods available at the seller’spremises.
- The buyer’s bargaining position allows them to require the seller to undertake additional obligations.
- The seller is able to undertake additional obligations, and, in particular, to quote a more competitive price by extending his or her obligations.
Kim Pritchard,
Customs Operations – Windsor
At Your Service: Kim Pritchard,
Customs Operations – Windsor
Since joining the Windsor office of Universal Logistics in 1992, Kim Pritchard has been a member of the Customs Operation team.
Kim is responsible for processing the Customs release of cargo via the Windsor border crossing.
Kim can be reached by phone (519) 972-8050 or by email.